East Hoathly Carnival Night will happen on the 9th November 2024
Village Map

Car parking in the village severely limited, Parking is available at two locations (See Map Above):
- On London Road from the Shaw Roundabout to Old Whyly Lane
- On South Street between Juziers Drive and the bypass
NO PARKING permitted on the A22 between Crockstead and Whitesmith and the B2192 between Easons Green and Terrible Down. These roads will be patrolled by Sussex Police.
Road Closure
The road closures in the village starts a 5pm and ceases at 11pm. These are in place for pedestrian safety, NO exceptions.
If you need to enter the village please do so before 5pm.
All vehicles must be removed from the procession route by 4pm (See Map Above)
Full details of the event are available in our programme that can be purchased from the Village Store, Kings Head or on the night after 5pm, from outside Clara’s Books and at the Pavilion.
A digital version of the programme is also available for purchase from Eventbrite (Under Add-ons). CLICK HERE
Public Transport
Busses will be picking up and dropping off at the Shaw Roundabout during the road closure times.
The Fireworks display is at the same site as last year at around 9pm. Entry to the fireworks field is by ticket only. (£6 per person, babies in arms free) Tickets are available from the Kings Head, The Village Show and online CLICK HERE
They will also be available on the night outside Clara’s Books
Fancy Dress Competition
The Fancy Dress Competition is back for 2024!
It will commence in the village hall from from 4:30pm. Everyone welcome to join in – prizes for the best costumes, classes for all ages and collate for all! (Full details in the programme)
Disabled Parking
Disabled parking is on a first come first serve basis as we only have 6 spaces available, you need to arrive before the road closure is in place.