The East Hoathly & Halland Carnival Society commemorations are part of the Sussex Bonfire Tradition.

The society actively supports its fellow organisations, visiting other villages and towns across the county to participate in their respective events, held from September to November each year.

The commemorations in East Hoathly and Halland grew from a desire to honour the dead of WW1 and have become part of our annual act of remembrance of those who fought & died in two world wars and subsequent conflicts. Our event is timed to coincide with the national act of remembrance in November.

Society members carry blazing fire-banners and torches through the village alongside visiting societies in a series of processions. A short service of remembrance on the village corner precedes the final procession in which 31 individual poppies, one for each villager lost in the two world wars, are carried to the bonfire sculpture and after which, a spectacular firework display brings the evening to a close.

The spirit of the carnival prevails strongly throughout the East Hoathly and Halland district and various family-oriented activities including ‘Mid-Summer Magic’, ‘The Kings Head Canter’ & a ‘Boxing Day Pram Push’ are held during the year to bring the community together & to help raise the funds required to stage our commemoration event.

The society has, additionally, over the years, raised large amounts of money for local & national charities, with the monetary collection on carnival night itself being donated to a charity selected by members.


Membership of East Hoathly & Halland Carnival Society is a great way to become involved in your community & make new friends.

We are always on the look-out for new members & are keen to welcome more willing hands to join our experienced heads in organising the events each year, helping to ensure that the society continues to thrive in our community & that its proud traditions are maintained for years to come.


Becoming a member means you can…

  • Take part in and help out on the ‘night’ to provide the community of East Hoathly & Halland, fellow societies, visitors & friends with an experience of remembrance & celebration in keeping with our tradition.
  • Join colleagues at ‘out meetings’ held by our fellow societies during the bonfire season.
  • Contribute at planning meetings & assist with our fundraising events.
  • Help behind the scenes in preparation for our annual carnival event.

If any of the above interests you and you would like to join us, please contact us on [email protected]

Join Online

Online membership applications for 2024 are now open

Donate Online

Don’t want to join the society but would still like to support us? Donations are greatly appreciated and can be done online!